Ti E-Polishing

Traditionally there are significantly amount of surface residues on the Titanium Substrate after been made from medical device manufacturer. These defects and residues will be dissolved by this electric polishing process. The roughness of the surface will be minimized after this process. The smoothness of the Titanium Substrate is extremely important and required for the next phase of anodized treatment process of the medical products.

鈦金屬底材在機械加工完成後,表面仍有加工痕跡或殘屑等粗糙部分,經由拋光製程處理後,突出部位會逐步 消融,粗糙度降低,而達成表面平整化之目的,並有利於後續陽極色彩控制。

Ti Colorization

The visible colors shown on the Titanium surface are resulted from diffraction of light by the oxide thin film which were formed on the Titanium Substrate by anodized treatment.

鈦金屬表面的彩色色澤是利用鈦陽極發色技術在底材表面形成透明氧化膜,光線經不同膜厚及表面粗糙度的干 射、繞射,吸收可見光波長(400~700nm)反射出不同互補色而改變鈦合金表面在視覺上呈現之顏色。

Ti Colorization 鈦陽極發色
Ti TypeII Anodization

The solid Titanium oxide membrane formed from the Titanium material itself by anodized treatment process was on the implant surface. The oxide membrane improves the surface hardness, anti-corrosion of the Substrate and reinforces the mechanical properties of Titanium implants. The cell affinity performance will be much better on the oxide membrane than that without on the Titanium Substrate. Also, the membrane efficiently improves the performance of the bone integration.

本技術利用鈦植入物底材本身形成厚膜氧化鈦陶瓷層,強化表面 硬度、耐蝕性,提高物件機械性能。表面具有次微米級孔洞,更具 細胞親和性,可有效的提升人工植入物與骨細胞的整合效率。




The size of orthopedic implants is diversified in mini-meters.  Different sizes of medical devices and implants with various colors help surgeons to recognize those products during surgery.

骨科與牙科人工植入物尺寸僅僅是數釐米(mm) 的差別,鈦陽極色彩幫助骨科與牙科醫師在手術進行時容易辨識植入物與器械尺寸,避免發生失誤。



The cell affinity of titanium oxide film is better than that of titanium substrate.  This kind of oxide film efficiently improves the performance of bone integration.  The manufacturing process is qualified by ISO 10993 bio-compatibility test and has excellent performance.

相較於鈦材本身,鈦陽極氧化陶瓷層具有更佳的細胞親和性,可有效的提升人工植入物與骨細胞的整合效率。本製程已通過 ISO 10993 生物相容性試驗,幫助醫材產品提升功能性品質。



Our process includes chemical polishing and anodic colorization.  By this way, the tiny residues of medical devices made by machining were trimmed, and the surfaces are smooth and good-looking.  Medical products made by this process have better feature quality and higher value.

鈦金屬不易加工,加工後之醫材成品難免殘留毛邊;經由本電解拋光及陽極發色程序後,可提升產品外觀質感。醫材產品經由本表面處理程序 後,除了外觀質感較佳外,整體品質及價值可大幅提升。



Medical products treated by TypeII & MAO processes are formed an solid oxide film. It improves surface hardness and anti-corrosion of the substrate, and reinforces the mechanical properties of titanium implants.  The surface shallow cavities on oxide film make the cell affinity be better than that of titanium substrate, and improve the performance of bone integration efficiently.

醫材產品經由 TypeII & MAO 表面處理程序後,產生厚膜氧化鈦陶瓷層,強化表面硬度、耐蝕性,提高物件機械性能。表面具有次微米級孔洞,更具細胞親和性,可有效的提升人工植入物與骨細胞的整合效率。


ISO 10993 生物相容性試驗

清潔確效- 超微量分析

Application 技術應用
Application 技術應用